- Mahr/Hofmann in Preuschl/Wess, White Collar Crime (commentary on IP-related articles), LexisNexis 2018, 1st edition und 2nd edition (publication 2023)
- Mahr/Swoboda, Comments on Supreme Court Decision OGH 25.10.2016, 4 Ob 165/16t, AnwBl 2017/8477
- Mahr/Dechant, Online Transport Service Providers, ÖJZ 2016/57
- Mahr, Uber – What is allowed and what is still open?, DiePresse Rechtspanorama August 17th, 2015
- Lansky/Matznetter/Pätzold/Thunshirn/Steinwandtner, Accounting of Associations, Linde Verlag (3. Auflage, 2011)
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